The SIMPLE SECRET That Makes Your Child Easier to Manage

In Just 3 - 7 Days, Even If You Have NO TIME and NO MONEY!

During this webinar, you will learn:

  1. WHAT – The SIMPLE SECRET that makes your child easier to manage
  2. HOW – How to apply the SIMPLE SECRET to get the best results
  3. WHEN – When to use the SIMPLE SECRET so you get all the benefits and avoid all the costs


Vinita Zutshi

Transformational Parenting Coach

My goal is to help you rediscover the joy, pleasure, and excitement of being a parent. Because both you and your children deserve the joy and fulfilment that only you can bring each other.

I’ve helped thousands across the globe find solutions to their parenting problems through my blog, coaching, and workshops.

​When you use the SIMPLE SECRET, your kids will:

Carefree Parenting

  • Be less troublesome and stubborn
  • Be happier, in a better mood
  • Be less hyper, but they will still be energetic, enthusiastic, and excited
  • Be more friendly and quarrel less
  • Sleep better
  • Be healthier
  • Develop a closer bond with you


What Happens When Your Child is Easier to Manage

  • Less argument, scolding, and conflict
  • ​Less stress
  • ​Less negativity
  • ​More enjoyment
  • More happiness
  • More connection
  • More creativity
  • More learning
  • ​Better health
  • ​Better sleep
  • Better communication 
  • ​Better productivity
  • Closer bond with you


Peace At Home is PRICELESS

What would you pay for your child to be easier to manage?

  • ​Only you know the low-level or high-level stress you go through because your children are difficult to manage
  • This SIMPLE SECRET is natural and free
  • ​It only takes 10 minutes a day
  • It needs no special equipment or technology

Is peace at home, happier kids, and a closer bond with your children worth $100 to you? I’m sure it is.

But I’m not charging you that, because I’ve decided to give you a discount of 20%. So it having an easier to manage child worth $80 to you?

This is a ONE TIME OFFER. The price will never again be as low, and seats are limited, so if you’d like your child to be easier to manage, this is your chance.

I want my child to be easier to manage


The SIMPLE SECRET is simple and easy to apply, but we often forget to follow through on simple things because life happens. I really want you to get the full benefit of the SIMPLE SECRET, so I’ve thrown in a special bonus.

You get 2 weeks support on the Carefree Parenting Closed Facebook Group Page so you can apply the SIMPLE SECRET and enjoy its benefits fully.
I’ll share videos addressing the most common problems of group members.
And you can share your experience as you apply the SIMPLE SECRET, boost others, ask the community for help, cheering, and support.

I want my child to be easier to manage

10 minutes a day.
3 – 7 days.
And you’ll wonder where your child’s tantrums and irritability went.
Are you ready to go to the next level of enjoyment and bonding with your kids? Click below.

I want my child to be easier to manage