Category Archives: Time

Wasting Time

When I was a child, we got up in the morning, got dressed, went to school, came back, played with our friends, did homework, spent time with our parents in the evening, listened to the radio or watched TV, and … Continue reading

Posted in Time | 8 Comments

Where Does the Day Go?

In the 10 days that I haven’t posted, I’ve been busy with the stuff that life hands out to each of us from time to time. As I dealt with one thing after another, at the back of my mind, … Continue reading

Posted in Time | 6 Comments

The Myth of Quality Time

You are a busy person. You wear many hats, and manage, somehow, to stay on top of it all. One day, a baby gets added to your packed schedule. You have some months’ notice, so you start clearing your schedule … Continue reading

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